Monday, 15 March 2010

I need help

Ok, as a self proclaimed Ludite struggling valiantly with this silent enemy, how, oh how do I make blogs work efficiently? Any tips gratefully received, both for myself, and my bemused friends who are also struggling to log on quickly. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now, with further plans in mind on the world wide web, but really, can it really be this complicated? Can anyone tell me in five year old's language how to offer a quick link for friends to join? I've got something that I've added, but I'm not sure it's quick. Also, how do you get more readers? Do I just need to be a complete blogger tart and blatantly send my site to all and sundry, or are there more sophisticated ways of doing this? Bribery perhaps? It's always worked in the past... Also I'm not sure I've used the right link to allow people to leave comments and I really want this otherwise it's like being held in solitary confinement. I'm talking away but I'm not sure anyone can hear me. Help! I may have to pick up a phone and how old does that make me feel.

Please send help now!!

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